Wednesday, 29 February 2012

She Likes Hair Bands

Just a quick outfit post today because of the exciting lives we lead...... we only went food shopping today ;)
We shall start with what Kate wore today .....

Hammer Horror Frankenstien Crop Tee - Ebay, Crushed Red Velvet Shorts - Handmade, Black Tights - Primark

Plum Coloured Booties - Primark, Stude bracelet - Primark (men's section)

 Pink Stone Ring, Stacker Gold Ring - H&M, Evil Eye Ring - TopShop

Bros Tee - Ebay, Booty Shorts - East Coast, Black Tights - Primark, Cobolt Blue Booties - Primark

Now for my turn ;)

Thick Silver Cuff - H&M, Tibetan Cuff - Ebay

Both Rings From H&M

These shorts are so awesome, they might not be everybodies cup of tea but I am definitely in love with them.


Sunday, 26 February 2012

I Was Born With A Tattoo On....

I have to admit I have A LOT of jewelry, and my collection just keeps growing! I can never bring myself to throw any of it out (but I sometimes sell it on eBay). So I like to keep it in very messy piles in my room and wait until the day I can either break it up and make something beautiful, or to simply find a new way of wearing it. As I was rummaging through some of my old/unworn jewelry today I found my Pat Butcher style earrings that i have only worn once; so I thought that they could do with some modifications to make them better :)
Here was my inspiration:

So there you have it that was my inspiration, and this is what I had to work with:

Plus some old necklace chain, a pair of pilers and super glue :)

my very own version of a harness bracelet

a necklace

arrow earring
And there you have it three pieces of jewelry from one crappy earring, oh and a pinky ring which hasn't had enough time to dry yet! But a picture will be up of it soon.


Le Kooples

I like to hide my romantic side deep down inside but sometimes I let it come out to play. My cold black heart has fallen head over heels in love with 'The Kooples' ad campaign, I mean who doesn't want to stare longingly at real life couples who are both fashionable and beautiful. Not to mention that they have undenyably cool fashion senses which compliment each other.
Fahrani & Luke                                                                        Adam & Karolina

Case in point, Fahrani & Luke who just seem to be so in love with each other and it also helps that they are both drop dead gorgeous.
The Kooples fashion line was founded by three French brothers who took inspiration from Saville Row, which is notorious for creating bespoke tailoring of suites and other clothing garments.

Corinna & Johnny

Kooples in the French way of pronouncing the English word 'couple', I think this campaign was great. They even had videos of the couples together and they told you how long they had been together. But by far my favourite couple has to be Marisca & Andre and they've been together for a staggering 14 years !!!
Here the video so you can bask in its glorious glow of awesomeness too !!
Enjoy :)

Here is the link to The Kooples website, go check it out you won't be disappointed. 


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Future Might Be Fuzzy But It's Bright

Just a quick lil' video of me and Zo making fools of ourselves...... enjoy!!


Eternally Wild With The Power......

Wolf Tee - New Look, Black Lace Flares - Handmade, Ankle Boots - Primark, Stud Bracelet - Primark, Ring - H&M

This is what Kate wore yesterday, this look is what I like to call her closet goth, haha. Her more usual flower child look is specifically saved for the summer months and early autumn. She even made those flares with her own fair hand, clever huh?

This ring is from H&M and is massive, in fact I can distinctly remember Kate catching me on the knuckle with said ring and it drew blood !! Shock horror, right ;)



Its Been A Hard Days Night

Dress Primark £5 sale, Black tights Primark, Watch Urban Outfitters, Heels Primark.
Normally dressing smart is not my strong suite, but I think I look rather dapper today, even if I do say so myself. I have 'smart day' at uni for one of my modules on my course and this is me attempting to look smart. I even have a watch on, granted it has a zebra on it but I can't be that serious. I am wearing heels in this photo but I didn't go as far as walking to uni in them because, frankly I'm not crazy !!! I wore ugly little black pumps with a bow on them  but i didn't think they deserved a photo.

The dress has cute little embroidered flowers around the cuffs, the neck line and the splits at the sides of the dress which is quite girly and pretty, which isn't what I usually go for but I love it.


Monday, 20 February 2012

I've Seen Your Frown, and it's Like Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun.....

ZOE: Tee: h&m, Hat: h&m, denim D.I.Y stud jacket: eBay, High waisted zip shorts: Primark, Black Tights: Primark, Doc Martens, Jewelry: black stone ring: Miss Selfridge, Pointed knuckle ring & Tibetan pray ring: eBay, Silver tube ring: h&m, Bracelet: eBay

So that is what Zo wore yesterday, the denim sleeveless jacket is mine which I bought from eBay years ago and customised with some studs that I ripped off a belt. Okay so now it's time to see what I wore yesterday.

KATE: Tee: h&m, Skirt: Primark, Tights: Primark, Boots: Primark, Jewelry: Rings: h&m, Necklace: Primark, Bracelet: gifted from Momma, Nail Polish: Miss Sporty - Extra Black
