Monday, 26 November 2012

I'm Gonna Pop Some Tags ....

Yes my friends, those are some of the lyrics to Macklemore's Thrift Shop song, now if you haven't heard this song before then hang your head in shame !!! And if you haven't even heard of Macklemore then where have you been? Under a rock?
Here is the video if you haven't already oogled it....

Watch just for a giggle if nothing else :)

Ben Haggerty better known as Macklemore is a Seattle rapper/ hip hop artist who, quite frankly writes the best lyrics I've heard in a long while. Same Love, Wings & Can't Hold Us, to name but a few are songs written from the heart and not one line is about partying with hoes and drinking champagne in da hood - yes thats me trying to be gangster-

I mean who could deny this face ???
His album The Heist not only comes in a faux crocodile skin box with, wait for it .... gold tissue paper and gold writing but it also has 18 photo cards and a note from Macklemore and his partner in crime Ryan Lewis.
It feels more like a box of treasures than your bog standard cd case.
(Sorry about the shoddy camera skills & different photo shapes / quality I'm trying out a new editing site because my beloved Picnik is no more *sob*)
And in true Zoe fashion I also purchased a Jumper and wifebeater as Americans say, with the infamous Shark Face Gang logo on them.

If you know what's good for you then you'll go and give them a listen RIGHT NOW !!! ;) 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

You Are Rarer Than A Can Of Dandelion And Burdock

After watching the awesome videos from Arctic Monkeys, I have got a little inspiration for my next few purchases in the clothing department. I saw these videos a while back and thought that the stylist of the videos needed a high five or something because 'his/her' choice of clothes was immense. Not forgetting the star of the videos, Matt Helders ..... what a babe <3

Black Treacle

Evil Twin - Probably my fav

Suck It and See

From these lil' videos i have compiled a sort of list in my mind of what I am aiming to get to gain this look or something along those lines :) ..... Oh! and aren't they just badass songs?

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Or Feed You Poisoned Birthday Cake

It was my main squeeze, Mr Johnny Depp's 49th birthday yesterday (9th June peeps) and just short of throwing my own Johnny themed party in celebration of J dog, I purchased this AMAZEBALLS tee from Topshop.

This hunk of awesomeness is from their boutique section from the website by Tea and Cake. What better way to commemorate Johnny's birthday than to wear him across my chest ??!!?? It was listed as Icon Tank by Tea and Cake for £22, now thats a little pricey for me, being a student and all but I'll let it slide for the Deppster (yeah I said it, deal!!)
This one will be added to my ever growing collection of Johnny Depp tee's, I have two Mad Hatter tee's, one black one white and a Cry Baby tee. I'm convinced I have more but I can't remember them at the mo :/

And you might as well indulge in a little Johnny lovin' seeing as I'm perminantly on a Johnny high

 Rum Diary
 Dead Man
 Vanity Fair shoot
 Pirates of the Carribean

 Johnny with the singer for the character of Wade 'Cry Baby' Walker

All images from Google

Now before I break into another rendition of Happy Birthday I shall leave you will this..... Effortlessly cool as usual, I expect nothing less.

Watch him put out the candles with his fingers... Like a boss !!!



P.S There's even a band called 'Gay For Johnny Depp' FYI




Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Heartbreak Kid

Now I have been the proud owner of a pair of electric blue Doc Martens for 3 years. I got them for my 18th birthday and they have been on my feet ever since. In actual fact they were the only shoes I wore the second year of college !!!!

First Heartbreak video from Dr. Martens

But before the heartbreak comes the honeymoon period were we think that our love will last a life time. Until that fateful day comes when you're walking through town looking like the cats pyjamas, then all of a sudden your step becomes a little springier and when you look at your sole their is a hole :(

Frst Love video from Dr. Martens

A new film from Dr. Martens for their Spring/Summer 2012 campaign featuring Agyness Deyn and Ash Symest. All about First Love, experiences and moments. #firstandforever

These are my babies looking preety clean in this photo which is very rare these days as i think that the dirt is keeping them together ;)


All The Money & All The Gold Couldn't Buy My Love At 8 Years Old

Its that time once again, and no its not shark week ;) Each month I dye the bottom of my extensions blue, the colour fades pretty quickly, especially as I straighten my hair quite a bit... naughty me. So I do it on the regular, I change hair dye brands each time as I'm lazy and just pick up whatever shade of blue takes my fancy.  I don't mind the faded colour it goes but as someone quite rudely pointed out to me at uni, "Why have you dyed your hair grey?" *Note: I don't like said girl and she doesn't like me much either, evidently* It WASN'T grey it was just a faded/washed out blue/baby blue. (You can see my recent blue shade in the haul videos) Anywho's I like to change up the shade every so often so i thought I'd show you lovely lot.
Here is some examples of dip dyed hair, I especially love Peaches Geldof's hair when she dyed the ends blue, it looked delicious !!!

All images are from Google

This is what I want/would like (read: hope and pray) my hair will turn out like but I won't hold my breath. Drew Barrymore looks amazing with dip dyed hair whether it be a natural looking blonde to brunette or a more striking blonde to black.

Neon Blue hair dye - Quiggins & Yellow Marigolds

Just a quick little side note, I had a brain wave when I thought to use Marigolds, for me as the hair dye doesn't come with any gloves and I am notoriously messy !!! When I dyed my hair purple in 1st year of uni I covered Kate's bathroom in the hair dye and it looked pink for a week, I also dyed the tops of my ears and a patch of my forehead purple too in my eager beaverness !!!

As the classy classy girl I am, I took these photos on my toilet lid ;) Top drawer as Phoebe from Friends would say.

So there is pretty much a blow by blow picture account of dying my extentions except for the fact that there isn't a photo of me actually putting dye on the extentions but thats pretty much selfexplanatory. Also the hair dye I used this time around had a handy brush applicator which made everything a gazillion times easier to use :) YAY !!!!!

The electric ble colour doesn't look as bright in the photo as it is up close but either way, I'm happy with the result :)


Thursday, 19 April 2012

I Want A New Drug

Studded shorts have been all up in my eye sockets recnetly and I really wanted a pair of my own, so instead of spending an arm and a leg on a pair already studded I decided to have a bash at studding my own pair of shorts in a little mini D.I.Y project. Here was my inspiration.......

Above is the design I finally settled on after having willd thoughts about studding the whole of one of the legs of my shorts, then thinking better of it because I'd probably run out of studs and to be honest I'm quite lazy !!!

(All photos sourced from Google)

What you will need:

Pack of studs - I got mine from good old Ebay
Pair of shorts - mine are black high waisted H&M shorts
A knife - I didn't use it in the end but some people find it useful to bend the studs over with it

First stud along the edge of your pocket so that the studs will be more in line with each other.

Next start to fill in the rows with studs but leave one less stud than the row before

The studs are pretty simple to push through so there won't be much hassle there

Once I had studded the back pocket on my shorts I went a little trigger happy and decided to stud the inside front pocket on the opposite side too.
Although the studs aren't is mega straight lines I kinda like it that way, anyways who said rock 'n' roll was straight laced huh?
All in all this D.I.Y project took me about an hour (it would have taken me a LOT less time if I hadn't got distracted with Jack Johnson on YouTube)
Here are the results, let me know what you think :)

And yes that is a crumpled Joe Perry & Steven Tyler, you gotta love a bit of Aerosmith

Dat ass !!!

The studding on the inside front pocket could have been a little straighter but who cares ??? I still think it looks pretty awesome even if I did it with a massive hangover ;)
