Its that time once again, and no its not shark week ;) Each month I dye the bottom of my extensions blue, the colour fades pretty quickly, especially as I straighten my hair quite a bit... naughty me. So I do it on the regular, I change hair dye brands each time as I'm lazy and just pick up whatever shade of blue takes my fancy. I don't mind the faded colour it goes but as someone quite rudely pointed out to me at uni, "Why have you dyed your hair grey?" *Note: I don't like said girl and she doesn't like me much either, evidently* It WASN'T grey it was just a faded/washed out blue/baby blue. (You can see my recent blue shade in the haul videos) Anywho's I like to change up the shade every so often so i thought I'd show you lovely lot.
Here is some examples of dip dyed hair, I especially love Peaches Geldof's hair when she dyed the ends blue, it looked delicious !!!
All images are from Google
This is what I want/would like (read: hope and pray) my hair will turn out like but I won't hold my breath. Drew Barrymore looks amazing with dip dyed hair whether it be a natural looking blonde to brunette or a more striking blonde to black.
Neon Blue hair dye - Quiggins & Yellow Marigolds
Just a quick little side note, I had a brain wave when I thought to use Marigolds, for me as the hair dye doesn't come with any gloves and I am notoriously messy !!! When I dyed my hair purple in 1st year of uni I covered Kate's bathroom in the hair dye and it looked pink for a week, I also dyed the tops of my ears and a patch of my forehead purple too in my eager beaverness !!!
As the classy classy girl I am, I took these photos on my toilet lid ;) Top drawer as Phoebe from Friends would say.
So there is pretty much a blow by blow picture account of dying my extentions except for the fact that there isn't a photo of me actually putting dye on the extentions but thats pretty much selfexplanatory. Also the hair dye I used this time around had a handy brush applicator which made everything a gazillion times easier to use :) YAY !!!!!
The electric ble colour doesn't look as bright in the photo as it is up close but either way, I'm happy with the result :)
The electric ble colour doesn't look as bright in the photo as it is up close but either way, I'm happy with the result :)
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