Thursday, 19 April 2012

I Want A New Drug

Studded shorts have been all up in my eye sockets recnetly and I really wanted a pair of my own, so instead of spending an arm and a leg on a pair already studded I decided to have a bash at studding my own pair of shorts in a little mini D.I.Y project. Here was my inspiration.......

Above is the design I finally settled on after having willd thoughts about studding the whole of one of the legs of my shorts, then thinking better of it because I'd probably run out of studs and to be honest I'm quite lazy !!!

(All photos sourced from Google)

What you will need:

Pack of studs - I got mine from good old Ebay
Pair of shorts - mine are black high waisted H&M shorts
A knife - I didn't use it in the end but some people find it useful to bend the studs over with it

First stud along the edge of your pocket so that the studs will be more in line with each other.

Next start to fill in the rows with studs but leave one less stud than the row before

The studs are pretty simple to push through so there won't be much hassle there

Once I had studded the back pocket on my shorts I went a little trigger happy and decided to stud the inside front pocket on the opposite side too.
Although the studs aren't is mega straight lines I kinda like it that way, anyways who said rock 'n' roll was straight laced huh?
All in all this D.I.Y project took me about an hour (it would have taken me a LOT less time if I hadn't got distracted with Jack Johnson on YouTube)
Here are the results, let me know what you think :)

And yes that is a crumpled Joe Perry & Steven Tyler, you gotta love a bit of Aerosmith

Dat ass !!!

The studding on the inside front pocket could have been a little straighter but who cares ??? I still think it looks pretty awesome even if I did it with a massive hangover ;)



Monday, 16 April 2012

I Would Have Wished For A Mermaid Just Like You

This nail polish is my new favourite, as I've worn it just about every day since I bought it three weeks ago !!!  It's Nail Him Nail Polish from H&M and is a steal at £2.99.

As you can probably tell by the messy bottle it has had a LOT of use since I got it :)

Nail Him is the name of this polish..... I'm not to sure about it, it sounds a little dirty and not in a good way ;)

This colour is perfect for the summer as it is bright blue like a tropical ocean. It is a slight variation on the ocean colours I usually wear but I like the change (even if it's only a slight one)

This is just half of my collection of nail polishes, I must have every colour of blue under the sun but I'm okay with that.

From left to right - w7 no. 35, MUA no. 011, H&M Nail Him, Primark Glo Baby Glo no. 2, Saffron London colour 54, NYX Girls Amazonia

From left to right - H&M No Mambo Jambo, H&M Polish Me Happy, Primark Glo Baby Glo no. 001, Rimmel London 180 Purple Pulse, w7 no.15.

I only wear an array of blues, purples and turquoises on my nails but I try and mix it up as much as possible :)


Tuesday, 10 April 2012

There's A Bad Moon On The Rise

This isn't a fashion post as such but I thought I'd introduce you all to the newest member of Romeo & the Punks.

This little lady is Harley

She's a little over a year old and a yellow labrador, she's also a little horror, in a good way :)  She is like an over grown toddler but is soo cute, you can't stay mad at her for long. Even if she eats a full bag of my easter chocolate, foil and all !!!!


Thursday, 5 April 2012

It's All Gone Pete Tong.....

Hello :) I've just got a simple little D.I.Y to share with you guys. I have been seeing everywhere recently the appearance of hi/low or high/low or even high/lo..... anyways I really like the idea of this whether it be in skirt or dress form. But I haven't seen one that I like enough or can afford to splurge on so I decided to make my own from an old black maxi dress.

What you will need if you want to do this too :)
  • a pair of dress making scissors or scissors that will cut through your material.
  • fabric glue
  • or a needle and thread
  • a bunch of pins
  • a clothes hanger to hang your dress up once you are done.
one plain black maxi dress
Excuse the crap in the background of this pic.

 1. Lay your dress or skirt flat on the floor folded so the side seems are in the centre on either side.

Sorry for the crappy quality the sun was streaming in and our lilac curtains made my pictures look pink :(
 2. Next mark of the garment a snake or an s shape in pins to mark where you want to cut. Making sure you try it on with the pins in first so you won't cut it too short at the front. Then all you have to do is cut along the pinned line.

 3. Next pin up a small hem onto you skirt edge to neaten it all up.

 4. Once pinned lay the skirt onto the floor to make it easier to glue.

 5. Glue or stitch the hem together.

6. Once the whole of the garment has been glued or stitched together hang it up to dry or to simply let the creases fall out.

And that should be that, a complete hi/low skirt or dress in 6 easy steps..... hopefully!! Now I would recommend stitching the hem of the dress as it will allow the skirt to have more movement but I did glue the hem together myself as we have left our sewing machine at uni digs, and mums sewing machine is one of those old ones which I don't understand :( but oh well I can stitch it once we go back to uni.

So this is the finished result, what do you think?



A Garden Grows Inside Her Soul ....

Just a quick Forever 21 haul, as I was trawling the internet I spotted that they were havng a sale so I put my bargain hunting skills to the test and picked up a few little things :)

The hoodie is cropped so it finishes at the waist and I think it looks good paired with a pair of high-waisted shorts or jeans - weather premitting - as I do live in rainy old England :(

These earrings are a little different than what I usually go for, but i decided what the hell, they were only a quid, so no skin off my nose ;)

Just a cute little trinket box to keep my ever growing jewellery collection in

Sorry the photo's are a little out of focus but my camera didn't like the magpieness -yeah I'm using that as a word, deal - with or without the flash it was just not playing ball !!
There you go, I hope you liked it :)

I think the next post I do will be about me dying my extensions if i can be bothered to film/photograph it, but I might have to rope Kate into helping me as I don't wanna get blue hair dye all over my camera!!


Sunday, 1 April 2012

Couldn't Be More Opposite Than A Foot In The Door

Okay, so I wouldn't say that  I had or have ever had my finger on the fashion pulse, but lately some images have managed to filter through into my own little world of what I personally consider as fashionable...... (which is probably very questionable to most!). I'm just gonna throw a few words out there and see what reactions I get because I don't understand where they have come from but I kinda like it :)
Here goes..... 'SEAPUNK', 'NU GOTH', 'PASTEL GOTH' ....... now I'm not saying I would generally wear this type of clothing , because lets be honest my wardrobe is a wish wash of hippie/rock which suits me down to the ground but I can't help but feel inspired or just plain curious about these fashion ventures...what do you think?

Now I don't know whats going on with any of this or anything ever but I do like the unusual mix of colours, patterns and well styles! For me though it's just nice to see something different and not just the same old, same old, you know?   I just typed these words or 'phrases' into tumblr to see what would come up and Jon Bon Jesus their is ALOT of animosity about this choice of style; but WHY do people care so much? If you like it, do it. If not don't. Simple? I say wear what you want and f**k everyone else :) Rant over .  Anyways this is just a little post of what I have been looking at lately, as I'm having trouble uploading our newest haul to YouTube :(

