Studded shorts have been all up in my eye sockets recnetly and I really wanted a pair of my own, so instead of spending an arm and a leg on a pair already studded I decided to have a bash at studding my own pair of shorts in a little mini D.I.Y project. Here was my inspiration.......
Above is the design I finally settled on after having willd thoughts about studding the whole of one of the legs of my shorts, then thinking better of it because I'd probably run out of studs and to be honest I'm quite lazy !!!
(All photos sourced from Google)
What you will need:
Pack of studs - I got mine from good old Ebay
Pair of shorts - mine are black high waisted H&M shorts
A knife - I didn't use it in the end but some people find it useful to bend the studs over with it
First stud along the edge of your pocket so that the studs will be more in line with each other.
Next start to fill in the rows with studs but leave one less stud than the row before
The studs are pretty simple to push through so there won't be much hassle there
Once I had studded the back pocket on my shorts I went a little trigger happy and decided to stud the inside front pocket on the opposite side too.
Although the studs aren't is mega straight lines I kinda like it that way, anyways who said rock 'n' roll was straight laced huh?
All in all this D.I.Y project took me about an hour (it would have taken me a LOT less time if I hadn't got distracted with Jack Johnson on YouTube)
Here are the results, let me know what you think :)
And yes that is a crumpled Joe Perry & Steven Tyler, you gotta love a bit of Aerosmith
Dat ass !!!
The studding on the inside front pocket could have been a little straighter but who cares ??? I still think it looks pretty awesome even if I did it with a massive hangover ;)