Saturday Swoonings
I'm a bit of a magpie when it comes to jewellery, well a bit is a massive understatement. I have soo much hardware that it overflows from my four jewellery boxes and all over my dressing table !!!
Here are just a few things I have been eyeing up lately even though my purse won't stretch that far. But a girl can dream hey??? ;)
Rainbow Quartz Casing Necklace - £49.99 - Fashionology
Silver Rainbow Aura Ring - £43.33 - Fashionology
Silver Shark Tooth Ring - £39.99 - Fashionology
Fashionology is an online shop that sells unique jewellery and are very well priced but alas still not in my student price range *sobs*. Now im not affiliated with Fashionology they just seem to have an amazing collection of unique and individual pieces that would make anyone stand out from the crowd. Here is the link to their website go have a gander, I'm sure you'll be impressed !!
Here is the link:
Gypsy Warrior
Ace of Spade Skull Ring - $18.00 - Gypsy Warrior
I must admit not the best picture but you get the gist ;)
Turquoise Evil Eye Hamsa Ring - $18.00 - Gypsy Warrior
Mohawk Dreamcatcher Necklace - $20.00 - Gypsy Warrior
Gypsy Warrior is also another online shop that I frequent a lot as they have beautifully individual pieces that are so eye catching. Again I have no connections to Gyspy Warrior either I am just a BIG fan of their jewellery and their blog in general :)
Here is the link to their shop:

Stick on Bindi Pack - £5.00 - Topshop
I don't know if I'd be brave enough to wear on of these but you have to admit they are pretty cool. Although I do remember being little and getting a pack of Bindi's free with my Forever Friends magazine and wearing them with pride.... Ahhh to be young and carefree :)

Unique Triangle Dome Wrist Wear - £25.00 - Topshop
Lastly, its good old Topshop, noe i don't usually wear gold looking jewellery because well I don't think it suits me and gold is more Kate's thing anyways.... I know what you're thinking, how indentical twins not suit the same things right? But it just doesn't sit well with me but I do like the occasional piece to mix things up a bit.
Here is the link to Topshop:
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