Friday, 9 March 2012

We'll Fight 'Till Its Over ....

This is the second time in a week that I have let these bad boys slip through my fingers. Both times I blame the Internet at uni digs for being too slow to update my eBay page on the bidding process. At the present time I can't afford to splurge £105 on the union jack Doc Martens, whoever much I want to :( and I am not one of these people that can wait for a while and save the money for then ........ I am too impatient! Okay, okay, I admit that I act solely on impulse most of the time and it has not failed me yet; so my impulse for these babies to be on my feet is a fire that wont be put out anytime soon. I mean just take a look for yourselves:

Part of the classics collection, 8 eyelet 1460 boot, red, white and blue union jack print on the forefoot of the boot......... and I'm in L.O.V.E

These boots are just badass, and I can't believe I didn't win either times on eBay for them, ( as I am not one to back down from a bidding war) I was so close. They will be mine and I will pair them with girly flowery skater dresses for an extra kick :) Damn you! Doc Martens with your mega expensive boots and your unwillingness to be bought from eBay with this slow Internet!!!
Rant Over


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